Sunday, September 14, 2008

This is a picture of my volleyball team, but I am not allowed to say which one I am. The only people I can say I am not are the coach and the girl in jeans. Actually, those two people are sisters.
I missed posting about September 11. I still want to acknowledge it. My mom showed me a couple of videos on youtube, and I almost started crying. It is hard to believe that it was seven years ago, but everyone can still remember what they were doing the exact second they found out about it. I remember it being on tv for days, and I could hardly believe that someone would do something like that.
It has been raining for three days straight! Can you imagine what Noah and his family went through? Forty days. I would go crazy. I had a tournament yesterday from seven a.m. until eight p.m., and I came home ready to pig out and take a nice, long shower. We had no power. I SUFFERED through a bowl of cereal in the dark and had to pass for washing my face with some water out of a water bottle. How did people survive without tv and electric lights and running water??
Ok, well, here comes another week. This year has gone by so fast! I can remember New Years Day so vividly. And at the time, I could not believe it was already 2008. lol.

1 comment:

A lil' bit about me said...

Shanny....where did you go? How come you haven't posted in such a long time???