Saturday, November 29, 2008

I think I have deprived all of you of the wonderful tales of my life for long enough! There is so much to tell, I just hope I remember it all!
I survived exams. Unfortunately, that was also the week that I had the head cold that has been going around. I am sure no one appreciated my constant sniffling during our two hundred forty question history exam! Along with passing all my classes, I got new ones! First trimester of biology and English! Also, I have gym again this trimester-and guess what! We are going bowling Mondays and Tuesdays! I have styles this tri too. We are sewing an apron, pillow, and pajama pants. That should be fun.
Happy late Thanksgiving! My family and I went to my Mom's parents on Saturday of last week. It would have been a nice ride if it weren't for the fact that Gavin rode his pretend motorcycle the WHOLE WAY THERE. Yes, all I heard was "VRRROOOOOOMMMM, SCREECH! VRRROOOOMM. BEEEP BEEEP" the whole ride. On Thursday, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandma always has the works for Thanksgiving dinner-turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, homemade rolls, buttercup squash, and our own individual pumpkin pies! Well, my brothers and I get our own mini individual pies, but not the adults. My dad and uncle still grumble about that fact even though she has been doing it for years. We stayed for two days, playing Yahtzee and cribbage and doing 1000 piece puzzles for hours.
I think everyone was out shopping on Black Friday. EVERYONE. My mom, Alex, and I all went shopping at five am. We went to Walmart, Kohl's, the mall, Target, and McDonald's. Even McDonald's was crowded! I have almost all of my Christmas shopping done though! Except for Alex......
Today we woke up bright and early (at ten) to go get our Christmas tree. For as long as I can remember, we have always gotten a real blue spruce. This year we got a fir tree! I still am in shock about that.....But anyway, we are decorating the house for Mom's first ever annual open house on Tuesday.
On Wednesday I have my sports banquet. I have only gone to my old school's banquet where skirts were required. Here, I had no idea what to wear! So, my mom helped pick out a shirt for me at Kohl's. Hope it works. And wish me good luck!

1 comment:

4Life said...

cool phone I like the color poiple [purple] Cuzin Autumn