Monday, November 3, 2008

Best Day Ever!!!!

Quick overview of the past exciting days.....

Saturday(two weeks ago)- Hannah, Mackenzie, and I went to see HSM3 after winning our last tourney of the season. I thought that it would be a cheesy movie, but it was actually kind of cute. The memories made were better than the movie though. It's no crime to laugh and giggle in a movie theater-right?-and that is what we were doing. It might have been a little loud, but it wasn't to the point of distraction. Should not have been a problem, but it was for the couple in front of us. They turned around and said very rudely "Do you MIND? You are being very rude." We were traumatized, but after the initial shock of being spoken to like that, Mackenzie had an idea. I gave her the last of my popcorn. Just as the lights were coming on and the credits were rolling, she stood up, "tripped", and "accidentally" spilled the popcorn on the couple. Oops. I know, looking back, it's horrible, but it was sooo funny at the time......

Wednesday-We won our last game! Sniff sniff. I can't believe that the season is already over. One of the girls' mom brought red roses for us all. I had brought my camera, and we had a bittersweet time taking pics of the team.....

Friday- Halloween. Surprisingly, school was fun. Freshman Academy was game day, so we played Disney Trivia. We made caramel apples in Foods, and P.E. we went outside to enjoy the gorgeous weather. At church, we had a Fall Festival with a dunk tank, booths, and candy.

Today!- I had no school today. Hallelujah! My mom and I headed into GR to a wonderful day of shopping at Rivertown Crossings and lunch at Red Robin. I was going to be brave today. I was going to choose something DIFFERENT for lunch. Our waiter seated us, asked for drinks, then asked if we were ready to order. Of course, Mom was still getting the usual Whiskey Burger, so she was ready. After she ordered, she and the waiter began to stare at me, waiting to hear what I wanted. I frantically scanned the page, looking for anything to stand out-something new. Sweat began to form on my forehead, and my eyes kept darting back to the Whiskey Burger. "It's safe," a voice in my head seemed to say "it's normal and safe getting the Whiskey Burger. No one will blame you! Just get it! You are running out of time...." With horror, I found myself opening my mouth and beginning to say "I'll have the same thing as her." Luckily, Mom saved me by saying "Are you sure? Do you want more time?" "YES!" I wanted to shout. Proudly, I can say I got the Red Robin Bacon Cheeseburger, something totally different. The only damper on my wonderful day was going to be my piano lesson. Guess what-yep!-no lesson!!!!! Tragically, the high school had an unexpected after school play practice in the auditorium. Where the piano is. So sad. I almost cried......

Looking ahead-The t.v. show Made is coming to my school tomorrow to interview kids for the show. Kinda exciting. Out of the four school days I have this week, we are cooking three times in Foods-brownies, muffins, and cookies. Yay. Also, next week is the end of the trimester, and I have no school Thursday and Friday!!

1 comment:

A lil' bit about me said...

Did you like the new burger or do you wish you had stayed with the safe and familiar choice?