Thursday, November 6, 2008

Forty-nine More Days Until Christmas

I made this card! I was super, unimaginably bored last night, and I made the mistake of telling my mom that. She calmly told me that she could put me to work cleaning any of the toilets. My face must have shown my enthusiasm, or my lack of, because she changed her mind and told me to go stamp a card. Unlimited access to her supplies-yes, that's right, unlimited-my favorite word! Anyway, I ran down to the basement and just stood in front of her stamping nook, my mouth watering and my eyes enlarging by the minute. All of this was at my disposal! I cut, and stamped, and pondered, and scrutinized, and punched, and used more than enough adhesive(just kidding Mom!) until I came out with the finished product. Tadaaaa!

My Freshman Academy teacher had laryngitis today, so we watched the Brady Bunch. Wow-let me just say that while it was cute and funny most of the time, they had a strange sense of style!

Well, as you all know, we now have a new President. Also, both proposals passed. I think that stem cell research could be very helpful-even good-just why do they have to get it from aborted babies?! That's the part that bothers me. But, what can I do about it?

Yesterday we had a pizza party after school for the freshman volleyball team. We were supposed to give our jerseys back and pick out team awards for the banquet. Man was that hard. I bet I sat there for no less than ten minutes trying to figure out six awards. Pretty soon I felt like giving up and just putting my own name down for all of them. I didn't. Thought it might be a little suspicious......

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