Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Where Do I Start?

So much to write, where do I start? Well, as some of you may know, this past weekend I was at a retreat with Liz's youth group. Wow. So many memories and funny stories and experiences happened! I guess I will start with the puppy chow story. Jamie, bless her heart, made a huge bowl of puppy chow. All of the girls decided to keep the bowl in the girls' dorm where we could have a late-night snack if we wanted it. As it turned out, we did end up eating almost half of it the first night. When we finally had had our fill, we put the lid on and put it at the end of Jamie's bunk bed for the next night. The next day, Liz, Kara, Sam, and I sneaked away from everyone else to have just a tiny bit of it. After shoving a few handfuls in our faces, we put back where we found it. No one would know........Then I had the BRILLIANT idea to demonstrate a "dance routine" that Mackenzie and I had thought up. It involved jumping and was not supposed to involved the puppy chow, although somehow the two got mixed, and........Let me just try to explain the situation. White powder everywhere-hair, clothes, floor, bunk beds, bags, did I mention everywhere?! Clumps of delicious puppy chow lay on the ground, getting smashed underfoot as we tried not to smash puppy chow. Everyone was looking at everyone else in horror. I think a tear even fell down my face, fearing they would kick me off the retreat. Liz, being the wonderful person she is, declared that no one would kick me out and grab washcloths, we were going to clean! Frantically, we grabbed random washcloths(still am not sure whose we used......oops) and started scrubbing the powder. Sadly, as I was on my knees with a washcloth scrubbing away, I began to sing, "It's a hard-knock life for us, It's a hard-knock life for us. Steada treated, we get tricked...." and so on. Well we were half way through cleaning the awful mess up when I hear the horrible creaking of the dorm room. Oh snap! I thought, Here comes Janis or Stacy to escort me out now. Turns out it was only another girl who PROMISED she would not tell a single soul. The floor eventually turned out quite clean. I did find some puppy chow in my boot later on in the day......

We also played Foosball 24/7 it seems. I got quite good at it by the end, though. I stopped scoring on myself and actually won a few games! There was also Wheel of Fortune, a really super really a lot hard obstacle course, huge scavenger hunt that included me having to put my own sock in my mouth. So many games and good food and good preaching. The theme was "Temptation." Brian showed us a video on Ted Bundy. I hadn't heard of him before, but I was almost crying.

That Friday, before the retreat, my Mom took me to Fashion Bug, and I got some wicked awesome boots. They are those furryish kind that aren't REAL boots, just fashion boots. The kind that isn't made to be worn in the mud and snow and slush. Guess where I wore them? In the mud and snow and slush. It was on Sunday when it half snowed. You see, we had just gotten back to Liz's church, and I really really wanted to go swing on her swings. When I got over there, I realized the seats were wet from the slush that was coming down! Oh well, easily fixed! I just stood on my feet. Drew was pushing me (which was fine too, made less work for me!) when all of a sudden me feet just flew out from underneath me. I think that they might have even gone in Drew's face! I have no idea what really happened, because I think I must have done some sort of flippy thingy. But, I landed on my feet-my NEW boots. In the mud. And slush. And snow. GRRRRRRRRR. RUINED!!! I just knew it! I think I even cried. Guess what-boots can be washed. My mom told me. And it even works. Well after I scrubbed my beautiful boots, my mom found some sealant-lovely stuff! Safe stuff.

Well, I think I am going to go watch a movie with popcorn. Yum. Better get all the relaxation before exams next week. Even though I have the next four days off!!!

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