Sunday, October 19, 2008

Indiana Jones, Individual Cheesecakes, and Hush Puppies

My mom bought the newest Indiana Jones movie just recently. I watched it for the first time and surprisingly thought it was good. Usually I would go for a chick flick or cute love story like the Notebook and Enchanted, but the movie was good.

It has been a long time since I have posted-too long. So many times throughout the days lately, I will hear or see or experience something and I will think "Oh my gosh! I just HAVE to blog about it." Consequently, I sit down fully expecting my post to fill up twenty paragraphs, and I cannot think of a single one of them.

I ran the mile on Friday. It was me and another kid. Figures. The day everyone else in my P.E. class runs the mile, I am sick. So we go out to the track, the temperature just a little on the chilly side, and my teacher tells my class that I and the other kid are the only ones allowed on the inner two lanes. Great. I have my own lane. Let's just say I was mortified. Anyway, I made it through alive and in seven minutes and fifty seconds. yay. I think the requirement was nine fifty-two.

Foods class has been a lot better ever since the muffins.....Friday we made individual cheesecakes and Italian dipping sticks. The cheesecakes were heavenly!

Yesterday we had a party for my great grandparents' sixtieth
wedding anniversary. It was up in Saginaw at Fire Mountain.
It was buffet-an unlabeled buffet. I think it would be helpful
and nice if restaurants would label their food, but maybe it is
just me. They actually had really yummy rolls and hush
puppies. I have never tried hush puppies before. Fried corn
bread. Fried balls of corn bread. Yum.

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