Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Half way throught the week! I cannot believe how time just flies by. Sometimes I feel as if I am just holding on to life by my pinky finger, desperately trying to take everything in and do everything right. I guess I wish that I could stop time for a while and take a nap or think about life and where I am right now. Craziness! At least it is a good craziness!
When we had that really cold day(Monday, I think), my blessed mother got up extra early-to see my before I ventured out into the freezing outside-and dug a thermos out of the back of the cupboard and made me a delicious, steaming hot chocolate that I could carry out with me while I was waiting for the bus. I go out there every morning about six fifty, and it is still pitch black out. I got on the bus, excited to drink my hot chocolate in ecstasy. Slowly, I brought it up to my lips and sipped. "That's funny," I thought "I can feel it going all the way down to my legs. Usually I can only feel it going down to my stomach." I took another sip, enjoying the warmth, until I looked down and yelped in horror. THAT'S why I could feel it in my legs-I'd spilled it. It was so dark I couldn't see that the cap wasn't screwed on tight, and the warm liquid soaked the front of my jeans. I thought I was going to cry. It looked as if I had peed my pants, and there aren't even any hand driers in any of the school's bathrooms! Trust me, I checked! Several times. Desperately, I walked around for first period with my bag hanging in front of me so that no one could see my still-drying pants. Talk about starting the day off on the wrong foot.
We had our last home game of the season tonight. Sniff sniff. At least we won! We played Portland.......ahem ahem..........

1 comment:

A lil' bit about me said...

i PROMISE i put the lid on