Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Terrible Tuesday

I figure that I am on quite a roll......two days in a row! Yay! I am mostly inspired to blog only when random or scary things happen in my life, and today was both.
As most of you know, I usually ride the bus in the mornings and afternoons. The past three school days I have not ridden the bus because of my crutches. Today was my first day without crutches! (hallelujah!!!!) On the down side, I had to ride the bus home this afternoon. Now don't take me wrong, I actually think that the bus is ok, not quite fun, but ok. I just don't like how late I get home when I ride. Today school was let out ten minutes early. No one is really sure why, just speculation about the back roads getting bad. No idea! Anyway, we were instructed to leave early, and get out to the buses fast because they were leaving immediately. I hobbled as fast as I could so I wouldn't miss it-my WORST nightmare. I got there on time, and the bus headed over to the middle school to pick up kids there. All was going great! We were super early, actually on time for once. We were sitting in the bus lane waiting for the five buses in front of us to turn onto the road. I was resting my head on the window, trying to get a few minutes of rest. Silly me. Since when is my life ever that normal? All of a sudden, "TABBBBIIIITHA!!!!" and a giant lurch backwards. I could feel a smack as our bus hit something solid behind us. I looked up to see our bus had slammed into a car behind us. The bus in front of us was still backing up until-WHAM! It hit us from the front. We had been in an accident. After a quick survey to make sure everyone was still alive and breathing, Jan our bus driver went outside to find out what had happened. Rumors flew around the bus of what had occurred. All I knew was that the car behind us was damaged badly in the front and the bus in front of us had hit us so hard I thought I had whiplash. As it turns out, Jan's scream of Tabitha was my bus driver's horror as Tabitha, the driver of the bus in front of us backed up suddenly. A bus had forgotten a kid, and they wanted to turn around and go back for the kid. Tabitha started to back up to give the other bus some room. Somehow in all this, Jan was never alerted. She had no idea. So, Jan rapidly put our bus into reverse and raced backwards into the car behind us. Tabitha, having no idea we had stopped, ran into us from the front. Messy business.
I am beginning to suspect that I have just the rottenest luck...............

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