Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Day I Almost Died!!!!!!!!

I know this is gross, but I just want to explain in a better way then my ramblings how dire the circumstance really was!!
It is strange how one minute you can be so carefree and focused on trivial things such as homework, and the next moment your world is crashing down around you. I woke up this morning, slightly tired, but perfectly healthy. First of all, I have to set the scene for you. About six pm, I was a little hyper having just eating a ton of syrup on my pancakes, and I was in the bathroom downstairs washing my hands. I had my three ring binder on the floor right behind me. I had been letting my hand soak in the warm water for a while, just taking my sweet time, never even imagining that it was the last few calm seconds I would have for hours. I looked up, in the mirror, stepped/hopped backwards and sideways to reach for the towel. My fingers had just felt the towel's softness when I felt a shooting pain in my right foot. I jumped up, grabbing my foot with my wet hands and yelling. Mom, Chase, and Gav were still at the kitchen table, eating. I rushed out, hopping on one foot, yelling "MY FOOT!! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH IT HURTS!! MY FOOT, MOM!!!!" over and over and over. I was frustrated and hurt and in shock. It was right in the arch of my foot-really tender. Mom looked at it, and got the look she normally gives Gavin. (He has had stitches at least seven times and staples once) It was a terrifying look, a determined-to-go-to-ER look. At that moment, I knew what she was going to do to me. I started to cry. She didn't understand. I just could not have stitches. Especially on such short notice. I tried to stammer that I was fine, and I didn't need to go to the ER. I don't know what gave that fact that I was in pain away-maybe it was the tears streaming down my face, or how I was clutching my foot so hard my knuckles were white. Either way, I could only buy myself an hour. At seven, Mom took one look at it, and she went to find the crutches. I sobbed the whole way to the hospital, imagining the imminent horrors. Huge shots, three feet long, and sharp sewing needles just ready to puncture my tender wound. I hobbled into the lobby, gave the receptionist my name and injury, and fell into the wheelchair she provided. I waited for about one minute, and then the lady was there to wheel me to the triage. After that, I was pushed to a room that smelled like gauze and assigned a bed. I lay back on the pillow; I could feel my pulse racing in nervous terror. My doctor was nice, or so I thought, but then she announced the dreaded proclamation-s t i t c h e s. I asked and pleaded and begged her to do anything but, yet she held firm. I guess the foot is the worst place to cut yourself, let along puncture. I did only what I knew how to do to save my life, I stalled. I asked for a topical that takes about thirty minutes to kick in. Anything to lessen the pain! It was the shortest thirty minutes in my life. The doctor asked me to flip onto my stomach, lucky for me because then I would not have to come up for some reason for not watching. As I lay there, waiting for the pain, I thought of all the words of encouragement I had gotten from my five year old brother as we walked out the door, "Don't worry sissy, it doesn't hurt. It feels just like a bee sting, only less. You can do it!" I thought to myself, if he can do it seven times, I can do it! In fact, I was feeling a lot better and almost pretty good. Until the first shot. Mom told me later that my foot started to twitch. I don't remember. Good thing there was an extra nurse in there holding my leg. I felt about four shots, and then nothing. I could feel random tugs of the thread and Mom saying,"Oh my word! I see her tendon!" Actually, it was all the way down to my tendon.......yuck! And Mom was taking pictures, and the doctor was posing.......I was worried that while they had their fun, the numbness would wear off. Finally, I was done. Only three stitches, and I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief. Then, the words, "This won't hurt a bit! Don't squeeze your muscle!" I looked at my arm to see a gigantic need sticking out. A Tetanus shot!!!! Come on, a three ring binder? Honestly? I secretly think they just wanted to terrorize me more.........

Well now you have heard about my trauma. I think I am going to live. I don't know. I hear the nights are always the worst.

Good night all! I hope~sob~to post again!


4Life said...

Gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! did you have to use crutches in school? Happy Birthday,

FROM YOUR CUZIN AUTUMN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4Life said...

Love the pitchure of your face. Autumn